Saturday, July 14, 2012

Guy who can't turn left in his car

I'm driving in guy,who can't turn left in his car. Red Flag. He freaks out the bank's on the left. He can't turn left then he would have to make another left that's way too dangerous. I asked him u never turn left. He says no I just keep turning right. How does this guy drive anywhere? I was trying to be supportive but it's weird he can't make left turns. We had to park across the street then walk across two streets to get to the bank. Guy, who can't turn left driving. Red flag. Good times:)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"No Alcohol Guy's a Total Bust"

Alcohol makes everything more fun including your date.  I'm a lightweight I'm drunk off two drinks.  It's amazing how your date can be a blast then without alcohol then you actually have to get to know the person and it's a total bust.  You have nothing to talk about or have in common; even worse you eat in silence.  Red Flags.  No Alcohol Guy's A Total Bust.  (Public Service Announcement there are plenty of fun guys who don't drink especially my fun Spanish guy friends, they are the party:)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Red Flag Dates: Guy buying shoes for some other girl

This guy asks me out on a date only to go shopping to buy some other girl a pair of shoes. Red Flag. I didn't make the shoe cut people. I know it's not fair to him to assume he's with shoe girl. What guy buys shoes for another girl unless he is sleeping with her or wants too. I'm not stupid what does he think I'm stupid; he's stupid. I have brothers; i feel taking your date to buy shoes for another girl is weird. I am delayed reaction and learning to communicate so I can't communicate my feelings which are hurt & upset. I don't care that he wasn't buying me shoes it was the fact he was buying some other girl shoes; way to make a lady feel special. Then he asks me what shoe size I am; I say eight or eight and a half. He asks me would I want the shoe to fit bigger or tighter. I told him I like a shoe that fits. He got upset and said I was too difficult to buy shoes for. Red Flag. When is wanting your shoes to fit equal difficult. We had fun before but this date was a total bust. I just wanted to leave. He wants me to go up to his place. I go up to his place only to hear him call her that he got a surprise for her and to come by. Guy who buys shoes for for another girl while on a date. Red Flag.